28th March 2025

With the stresses of modern life forever piling up, many people have begun turning to their own personal spa to relax and release the tensions built up. With the ever growing sales of hot tubs and spas, we created a hot tub base made entirely of recycled plastic which has more benefits than the more commonly used bases such as concrete or wood. Joe, the customer in this blog was trying to decide what base to use under his new hot tub that was due to be delivered soon. Read on to see what base Joe decided on how the entire project turned out.

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| The Project | The Work | The Conclusion |

The Project

Joe contacted us a few weeks ago after ordering himself a hot tub for the garden. Having a strong, long lasting base under his jacuzzi was vital otherwise it could mean problems for him and the spa. Luckily after some research Joe found our website, a recycled plastic base that has a great life time, can hold up to 420 tonnes per square meter and allows water to drain away naturally. As the base would be hidden under the tub and surrounded by timber decking, he had found the perfect base that would support his spa and drain liquids away to lessen the chance of rotting occurring.

Read on to see the process Joe went through to install the 7ft x 7ft Hot Tub Base, his hot tub and decking!

7ft x 7ft Hot Tub Base - Customer Review

The Work

As with most projects, Joe started off by planning. Outlining where the base and hot tub would be stood and exactly where the decking would be put. With a rough map now in his head he could begin the installation process without having to stop and think about where things would go.

Firstly, Joe dug out the turf and soil where the base outline was which left him with a 7 foot by 7 foot ‘hole’ in his garden. From here, he laid a sheet of Hot Tub Membrane and secured this into the soil using Hot Tub Membrane Staples. Membrane allows for water to drain away whilst stopping weeds and plants from growing up and through the base. With the membrane secured, Joe then began installing the base panels starting in one corner. From there he began placing them one at a time and easily attaching them using the simple slot and peg system, a very quick procedure. Once the panels were all attached and secured, Joe then filled the entire base with gravel, around 8kgs is needed to fill each panel. Then the hot tub was finally delivered and installed on to the base!

Finally, with the hot tub in place it was time to build the decking. Almost like a jigsaw, building from the outside inwards until complete. Sourcing the timber and cutting to size himself, Joe did an excellent job in building a two tier decking system in his garden to compliment his hot tub. A fantastic job!

7ft x 7ft Hot Tub Base - Customer Review 1

The Conclusion

Joe is incredibly happy with how the project turned out and we can see why, his garden looks amazing! And thanks to our base and surrounding decking, his hot tub is in safe hands! For more examples of customers work, read our other blog posts which can be accessed from the blog catalogue.

A huge thank you to Joe for sending in the photos and information to create this blog. If you have any photos of your project or have any questions regarding a base then please do not hesitate to contact us, either by phone or by email.

7ft x 7ft Hot Tub Base - Customer Review 2

100% Recycled Plastic Hot Tub Foundations