28th March 2025

When creating a base for a hot tub, there are many long term factors to consider. With the weights of a hot tub potentially exceeding 2500kg when filled with water, combined with the destructive nature of chlorinated water and inclement weather, the emphasis of building a durable, stable and low-maintenance base is quite strong. Here’s how one of our customers acheived this by using our plastic hot tub base panels.

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The Challenge

A customer of ours had recently ordered a hot tub for the family to use in their garden, however there was no obvious safe area on which to stand the tub. There is some decking in the garden but due to the risk of slipping or damage to the wood because of the weight of the tub and the chlorine content of the water, they decided using our Base on the flattest area of grass would be the safest way for the hot tub to be stood.

6ft x 6ft Hot Tub Base Outline

The Project

A 6’x6′ area of grass and soil was dug out in the designated area of the garden. The hot tub base we supplied was laid down in the cut out 6×6 square and covered in locally bought gravel. The gravel is then raked to ensure even coverage over the hot tub base. Fianlly the hot tub is placed onto the solid base and gravel.

Our customer looked for a Hot Tub Base using Google, they found us first and bought from us on the same day. We were told how the entire project was very cheap to complete. Buying a little more gravel was the only problem encountered which of course couldn’t be helped due to the slight slope of the garden. The hot tub base altogether was £70 and all of the other items from Wickes just £45. So £115 paid for a fantastic, easy to complete project.

The customers’ hot tub was a Canadian Spa Company Ontario which was bought from Argos.

6ft x 6ft Hot Tub Base Laid

The Outcome

The entire project took just a few hours to complete. The 6ft x 6ft Hot Tub Base was easily installed with no problems and the locally bought gravel simply covered the grid creating a sturdy and attractive stand. The hot tub is stable and our customer had no issues with acquiring, laying the base or standing the hot tub on the laid hot tub base.

They would definitely recommend our base to others!

Gravel being raked over 6ft x 6ft Hot Tub Base


Our hot tub base was used to solve the issue facing our customer – how to stop potential problems caused by massive weight and water damage. Our bases are permeable, meaning any spilled chlorinated water soaks through, while causing no rot damage which would be a problem if on a wooden base. Plastic is also very low maintenance meaning it doesn’t need to be treated or cleaned frequently which again is the case with more traditional bases such as concrete and wood. With its simple construction and installation, creating a sturdy base for a family’s hot tub to stand on was a piece of cake. Hot tub bases are also made from purely recycled plastic, meaning not only are they long lasting, strong bases, but they are incredibly environmentally friendly.

Plastic waste is a big problem today, with tonnes being dumped into landfill sites and the ocean every day. A solution is needed to solve this ever growing crisis and we are doing our bit towards saving the earth for future generations. By using our bases over more traditional methods such as concrete and wood, you aren’t only saving time and money but helping us slowly but surely dispose of waste plastics.

6ft x 6ft Hot Tub Base Completed With Hot Tub On Top

100% Recycled Plastic Hot Tub Foundations