26th February 2025

If you’re looking for a new foundation for any type of garden building, you may be a little overwhelmed over which type you should pick. Have you considered a strong, simple to install, cost-efficient and eco-friendly alternative? Well if you haven’t take a look at our plastic shed bases, making your foundation installation a breeze and outperforming other solutions.

This case study comes from Kerstine & Steve of ‘OurAllotmentStory‘ who chose to use our plastic shed base in their allotment and then shared the process of their shed base and shed installation on Instagram.

Choosing A Shed Base & Shed

Kerstine & Steve had decided they wanted to create an upcycled shed using pallets and other pieces of wood they had. To match their environmentally friendly approach, they began searching for an eco-friendly shed base and soon came across our website and plastic shed bases.

Discovering that our shed bases are crafted from entirely recycled waste plastic, can be recycled, are permeable and have a low carbon footprint meant they were perfect to use as their pallet sheds foundation! 

Plastic Shed Base Install & Building Shed

Kerstine & Steve soon ordered their shed base kits which were quickly delivered and they began the installation as soon as they received the base! Using our shed base installation guide, their install took no time at all (you can follow the steps using the photos in this blog):

1. The shed location was decided before the area was cleared and a layer of turf and mud was removed, leaving a level surface on which to begin the base installation.

2. Sheets of membrane were rolled out and pinned in place to create a barrier between the ground and shed base preventing weeds from penetrating the surface.

3. Plastic shed base panels were then laid on top of the membrane. They started in one corner laying four panels at once with the slot and peg connections facing outwards. From here they simply laid and attached four more panels at a time until the area was filled.

4. The shed base was then filled with loose angular gravel, we estimate that around 8kg of gravel is required to fill each individual panel. In all a very simple shed base install!

5. Finally, Steve & Kerstine began to build their shed. Using pallets for the base and walls before cladding with wooden planks to create a beautiful upcycled shed perfect for storing all of their allotment tools.

You can see a short video of their plastic shed base being installed by scrolling to the bottom of this page or by clicking here.


As you can see from the photos, Kerstine & Steve have created a wonderful storage shed in their allotment with the help of our plastic shed base! We’re sure their new storage solution will provide them with all of the space they need for their seeds, tools & machinery!

We would like to say a huge thank you for choosing our bases and sharing their shed and shed base installation updates with us!  

Be sure to check out OurAllotmentStory on Instagram and follow their growing journey! They have taken an overgrown space and turned it into a flourishing allotment!

How To Lay A Plastic Shed Base

Plastic Shed Bases

Recycled plastic Garden building foundations