21st March 2025

This case study comes from Yvette and Andrew who were looking to replace their old rotting shed with a new one. As the old one had become worn, they wanted to ensure that the new garden building they bought would last for as long as possible:

Yvette told us: “We decided we needed to replace our old shed which had started to rot at the base.   Rather than put it on a concrete base we had supported it on bricks but due to the clay soil these had started to sink over the years and the floor had dipped as well. 

Another problem was field mice who had taken the opportunity to use the shed as a nest site (dry and warmish) and we wanted to make it more inaccessible for them. When replacing the shed we decided to take the opportunity to move its position to nearer the fence and slightly away from the large fir tree.

Choosing Plastic Shed Base

Yvette continued: “Our biggest question was therefore what to do about a base as we knew with our unpredictable weather that trying to mark out and make a concrete base was going to be time consuming and not necessarily the best option. 

Having done some research and seen the plastic shed bases, their many benefits and how they could be used we decided this was the ideal product.”

After deciding to use our base, Andrew and Yvette ordered an 8ft x 6ft Plastic Shed Base, a 1m x 12m Membrane and 20 U-Pins. Their order arrived at their home 3 working days later just in time for the weekend.


Yvette talked us through their installation process:

“The installation was a family effort. Andrew and our son dismantled the original shed before levelling the ground for the new shed.  Using canes and string the area for the new shed was marked out and the Membrane laid out, cut to size and pegged down using the Steel U pins. 

The next job was to lay out the Shed Base Panels on to the membrane. The base panels easily interlocked into place and it took no time at all to lay the 8ft x 6ft base.

The final job to complete the base was to fill the panels with gravel – we used some we already had left over from other jobs plus a few bags from our local Homebase. All we needed then was a Shed!

This time we ordered a more substantial shed from a small local supplier, Shedlands Ltd. They delivered the shed and erected it in just a morning.”


Thank you Yvette and Andrew for sharing your installation experience and allowing us to use your comments and photos in order to produce this case study. It is a great addition to your garden.

Yvette said: “We would definitely recommend the plastic shed bases and we would not hesitate to use them again should the appropriate project arise.”

If you have any images of your shed or other garden building installed on our base to share with us, then please do not hesitate to contact us and your shed could be featured on our website.

Need a Plastic Shed Base for your garden?