21st March 2025

Rubber grass mats are one of our most popular products. With a fantastic range of benefits and uses, our grass mats are used by a range of customers from commercial customers using hundreds of mats on large projects to domestic customers using one mat in their garden. In this blog we will be looking at what makes our rubber mats so popular, how to correctly install them, how customers have used them in the past and questions we are frequently asked.

Rubber Grass Mats & Their Benefits

Our rubber grass mats are made from 100% recycled rubber and are available in two thicknesses, 16mm grass mats and 23mm grass mats. Both mats are strong, durable and weather resistant so can be installed both indoors and outdoors. As well as those benefits, our grass mats also protect the root of the grass and promote grass growth whilst still allowing natural drainage thanks to the porous design of the mats. They are also wheelchair friendly and can be installed on either flat or contoured surfaces. So as you can see, our mats are an effective and versatile product that can be used for a huge number of applications.

How Can Your Grass Mats Be Used?

Rubber grass mats are incredibly versatile and can be used for a huge number of applications, we are still sometimes surprised to see that a customer has used the mats in a way we’d not yet thought of such as them being installed around sheep feeders and bee hives!

For more examples of how our mats have been used, read all of our rubber grass mats blogs.

Grass Protection Mats

Grass protection is what grass mats are mainly known for, protecting the root of the grass below and making sure it can grow naturally. In this case study, a customers turf was almost entirely destroyed by his dogs so he decided to re-seed his turf before installing rubber grass mats all over his garden to allow the grass to grow naturally and to ensure it would be not be destroyed again.


Paths, Tracks and Walkways

One very popular use for our rubber grass mats is to create paths, walkways and standing areas. An example of this is where our grass mats were used by St Werburghs City Farm at their allotment to create a solid, non-slip and wheelchair friendly path. Due to the terrain it was hard for some people to access the allotments so the farm’s team needed a suitable paving system that would allow access which is when they decided to try our mats.

A second example was when our mats were used on a regularly icy and slippery path. This customer struggled during wet and freezing weather as the entrance to her Ponies stable became almost impossible to walk on due to water running from the stable roof and sometimes freezing. The grass mats created a heightened path which the water cannot reach meaning a non-slip path was created for both customer and her ponies to use.


Equestrian Rubber Mats

Rubber grass mats are a very common product in the equestrian market, they are strong yet soft under foot and hoof, non-slip, easy to clean and are simple to replace. Here are two examples, the first being grass mats installed inside an equestrian yard by a horse owner who had struggled with a large amount of mud in the yard so needed a solution that would prevent the mud in the future but would be gentle for her horses. Second is Amate Animalia who used our rubber mats in horse paddocks, enclosures & recovery areas as they are soft under foot, easy to clean, relocatable and prevent mud patches.


Rubber Playground Mats

Rubber grass mats being used under play equipment is a common use too, with a critical fall height of up to 3.3 metres our mats are a great safety flooring solution. A domestic example of this is a joint case study where two customers used our grass mats under a playhouse and a climbing frame & swing set. A commercial example is from The Living Rainforest who used our grass mats under a large play area. Both examples show how simple our mats are to install under play equipment and how effective they are.


Temporary Event Mats

If hosting an event in a park or heavily grassed area, heavy foot traffic can destroy a large area of turf which is why a paving solution may be required to avoid this. An example of this is when Sheffield’s Botanical Gardens hosted a bonfire night event and they used a large amount of our rubber grass mats to protect the turf around the grounds from the heavy foot traffic and help keep guests away from any potential mud.


Rubber Grass Mats For Golf Courses

As grass is quite an important part of a golf course, the golf clubs are always looking of ways to protect their precious turf. Constant foot, buggy and golf cart traffic can really take its toll on grass which is why a suitable product is needed to protect it. An example of this is when Lancaster Golf Club created pathways around their course using rubber grass mats to protect their turf and also keep golfers out of the mud on wet days.


How To Install Rubber Grass Mats

A step by step guide on how to correctly install your grass mats using plastic fixing pegs and cable ties.

1. Measure and mark out the site where the rubber grass mats will be installed. Cut the grass short before removing all left over clippings and debris

2. If you want a flat surface, level out uneven areas using good quality sandy topsoil if required. Then compact the surface well before seeding or turfing the area.

3. Lay out your rubber grass mats in the previously marked out area and if required cut the mats to fit around any obstacles.

4. Continue to lay your grass mats and ensure that neighbouring mats are touching. Then using cable ties, at every 150mm interval, fasten the edges of the neighbouring mats together and trim off the ends of the fixed cable ties and ensure the cut ends are not a hazard and exposed to the above surface.

5. Once all of the mats are fixed together, at intervals of 500mm, secure your grass mats into the ground by hammering or malleting the plastic fixing pegs to ensure the mats will not move when walked on.

6. Begin using your grass mats and wait for your grass to being growing through for a sturdy and natural looking grassed area.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can I drive or park on these rubber grass mats?

A: Occasional or temporary use may be fine, but long term vehicular use will severely reduce the lifespan of the product. We recommend looking at X-Grid which is a proven permanent driveway and parking solution.

Q: Are the grass mats easy to cut?

A: Yes, our mats can be cut using a pair of very strong scissors or a pair of secateurs.

Q: What fixings do I need for my rubber grass mats?

A: To install each of your grass mats you will require 10 cable ties and 5 fixing pegs.

Q: How long will the rubber grass mats last for?

A: There is currently no definitive answer to this question, as this depends greatly on volume of use, weather conditions and effective maintenance. However, as a rubber product, we expect these mats to last for a minimum of around 10 years.

Q: What is the critical fall height of the grass mats?

A: The critical fall heights for our mats are as follows, 1 metre for the 16mm mats and 3.3 metres for the 23mm mats.

Q: Can I still cut my grass with the grass mats installed?

A: Yes, it is still possible to cut your grass with grass mats installed. Simply change your lawn mowers blade height to a higher setting and begin cutting as normal.

Q: Can grass mats be laid on to an uneven surface?

A: Yes they can, our mats can be contoured and secured into the ground of an uneven surface. A great example of this when our grass mats were used to cover a steep soil banking.

How Can I Buy Rubber Grass Mats?

Both our 16mm rubber grass mats and 23mm rubber grass mats can be purchased online now. Simply add your required amount of mats to your basket and ensure you add enough cable ties and plastic fixing pegs to your basket so you can correctly install your mats. Follow the instructions at check out, buy your mats and wait for them to be delivered or come and collect them from our warehouse in Chesterfield!

If you have any more questions about our rubber grass mats or other products then you can speak to us via the live chat facility on our website or you can leave us a message via the contact us page.

Grass Protection Mats