25th March 2025

This case study comes from Amy, she was looking for a permeable yet soft rubber flooring for horses in their equestrian yard. In previous years and especially last year, Amy had struggled with large amounts of mud in the yard area so began looking for a rubber flooring product to solve her issue whilst being soft under foot for her horses.

She told us: “Last winter the area in between my stables was about 8-10 inches deep in mud”. Read on to see which product Amy used and how it has performed.

Finding Equestrian Mats

Since Amy knew what she was looking for, she searched online for Rubber Equestrian Mats and found our rubber grass mats as one of the results. She clicked through to our grass mats and began reading up on their dimensions, installation methods and many, many benefits.

After finding out that our mats were easy to install, 100% recycled & recyclable, permeable and durable, Amy ordered thirty 23mm Rubber Grass Mats along with 400 cable ties which were dispatched the same day and arrived by pallet just 3 working days later. With her mats and ties in the same location as her yard she could begin installation as soon as possible.

Installing Rubber Grass Mats

As mentioned earlier, there was 8-10 inches of mud currently in the yard area. Amy scraped out and removed all of that mud to ensure there would be little chance of a muddy winter in a just a few months. As there was now a vacant area, Amy filled the entire yard with MoT type 1 road planings as a solid sub-base before installing her rubber equestrian mats on top and installing un-permeable rubber stable mats inside the stables.

Installing our mats is a very easy procedure, simply lay your new mats in the required area before cable tying neighbouring mats together to ensure there will be no separation between mats when walked or run on.

From here, secure the now connected mats into the floor using plastic pegs to ensure the will be no movement when walked or run on again.

A simple yet very effective installation for Amy which will stop her from having a muddy yard in winter whilst giving her horses a comfortable flooring to walk on at all times!


Amy and her horses are delighted with their new equestrian rubber mats, their muddy issue has been solved and the rubber flooring will be much kinder underfoot to the horses compared to the type 1 road planings.

Amy told us: “I am actually now looking forward to next winter – bring on the rain! Next spring we may well extend the mats around the gateways, but this initial purchase was for the area most in need!”

“I miscounted as you can see, the older mats are on the right hand side – they were going to be used in the gateways. So far impressed with the quality of the product; and the speed of delivery was brilliant!”

A huge thank you to Amy for using our rubber mats in her equestrian yard, we are pleased that they are working well for her and her horses! If you have any questions about our products or have a gardening/landscaping issue which our products may solve then please do not hesitate to contact us!

Grass Protection Mats