21st March 2025

This case study comes from Mike, the Greens Chairman of Lancaster Golf Club. After seeing other golf courses create pathways for winter and with Lancaster having its wettest & muddiest winter in years, Mike decided to find a suitable product to create walkways which would keep golfers out of the mud whilst protecting the grass. Read on to see which product he decided to use:

Choosing Grass Mats

Mike began researching online for a rubber matting system which he would be able to buy in bulk and install easily around the course. The mats needed to be able to withstand pedestrian and golf buggy traffic whilst protecting the root of the grass below. He soon came across our website and our rubber grass mats.

After reading up on the grass mats’ benefits and discovering they would perform the job he required, he ordered enough 23mm grass mats to cover around half of the required area along with enough plastic fixing pegs and cable ties to secure each mat. Mike’s order was dispatched the next day and arrived at the golf course 2 working days later.

Mike told us: “After such a wet winter when our course was wetter & muddier than at any time in its history and as Greens Chairman I pushed for us to consider putting in approximately 200 metres of rubber grass mat paths in some of the worst areas between tees and greens. This would enable more use of trolleys and single seat ride on buggies in winter months.”

Installing Grass Mats

Along with 4 volunteers, Mike was able to begin installing the grass mats the following Monday. The team laid the mats between the worst affected greens and tees before securing them into the ground using around 5 plastic pegs per mat and tied neighbouring mats together using the cable ties.

They repeated this process until they had laid all of the mats which created solid paths from hole to hole which kept golfers feet and buggies from the mud below and allowed any surface water to drain away naturally. After a few weeks of growth the mats will also become less noticeable as the grass begins to grow through naturally.


Mike was and still is very pleased with his rubber grass mats and how they have performed. They have created a strong and clean surface for golfers to walk on and pull their buggies from hole to hole without the risk of getting muddy or damaging the turf.

A big thank you to Mike and Lancaster Golf Club for using our rubber grass mats and for sending through the photos & information to allow us to create this case study. If you have any questions regarding our products then please do not hesitate to contact us.

Grass Protection Mats