
All Delineators Products


Delineators are used with X-Grid and Grass Reinforcement Mesh anchors to help you create parking spaces, paths, roads and so much more

Delineators are markers for creating car parking spaces which are vital for gravel car parks or grass parking as it provides boundaries and guidance on where to park and drive. As we have different products that can be driven and parked on such as X-Grid and grass reinforcement mesh, we have two different types of delineator.

What is the difference between the two delineators?

Delineators are bright white caps that are attached to vehicular bearing products to create clear road markings, parking spaces and boundaries. Below is more information on the two types of delineators that we currently stock:


Each X-Grid® delineator is specially designed to fit into the circular cells of the grid to enable you to mark out straight lines and create parking bays, road markings and pathways. The delineators are easily inserted and removed from the grid as they are designed for use with just X-Grid.

Grass Protection Mesh

The grass protection mesh delineators are inserted into the top of anti-pull mesh anchor pegs. These pegs are pushed or malleted into the ground and the anti-pull ‘wings’ on the anchor help to prevent them from being pulled out by friction caused by car tyres or ground movement. Whilst creating the parking spaces, road markings or pathways you are also securing your grass protection mesh further.