X-Grid Black – 1m²

100% recycled, strong, permeable, easy to install, UV & weather-resistant 1m2 Black X-Grid

X-Grid is an amazing ground reinforcement grid which can be used in a number of ways as an effective porous paving solution. With benefits such as: being environmentally friendly, strong (able to hold up to 420 tonnes per sqm), fully permeable, weatherproof and rot-free. The special design of our plastic gravel driveway grid gives it a large load-bearing capacity, permeability, migration prevention, its lightweight frame and simple installation process.

  • Dimensions: 1m² (approx.)
  • Depth: 40mm
  • Configuration: 9 panels of 330x330mm
  • Weight: 5.13kg
  • Colour: Black
  • Max load: Up to 420 tonnes
  • Made from: Recycled plastic
  • Max Gradient: 0.12
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Product Code XG40B-009GR
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What is X-Grid suitable for?

Our plastic X-Grid panels can hold up to 420 tonnes per square meter. They are suitable for driveways, pathways, car parks, garden bases, golf courses, equestrian areas and much more. Please contact us on live chat if you are unsure.

How many X-Grid panels make up 1m²?

X-Grid panels are 33cm x 33cm. So 9 panels are connected together to make 1m² (nominal).

Will X-Grid be strong enough to support my car?

X-Grid has been tested by Lloyds British and is able to hold up to 420 tonnes per square meter unfilled so is more than strong enough to support vehicles.

Is there a warranty with X-Grid?

X-Grid has a 10 year manufacturing defect warranty.

Does X-Grid help with flooding?

X-Grid is a SuDs compliant product which means it is permeable and allows water to drain naturally away into the ground below when installed correctly. This in turn helps to reduce surface water build-up and the chances of localised flooding.

Can I use the grid panels individually as a base?

X-Grid works best when interlocked as part of a large area and is not designed for reinforcing such small areas.

Is there a difference between Black, Green and White X-Grid?

No, they are exactly the same product (apart from the colour of course).

What sub-base do I need under my X-Grid?

We recommend you prepare the ground below your X-Grid with approximately 100mm of a compact hard base (type 1 or type 3), a weed-suppressing membrane and sand to level.

Can I put X-Grid straight onto grass or soil?

We recommend not installing directly onto grass or soil but instead install onto a compact sub-base or similar as it creates a sturdy, even base. Soil or grass can and most likely will absorb water leading to sinking and creating an uneven sub-base for your X-Grid.

What is the difference between MOT type 1 or type 3?

Compact hard base, MOT type 1 is much finer and can over time become less permeable while the compact hard base, MOT type 3 is larger and more permeable.

How much aggregate/gravel should I use?

8kg of aggregate/gravel per panel or 72kg per m2

What size gravel/shingle/pea shingle should I use?

We recommend using anything up to 20mm.

Does X-Grid need to be filled with gravel or is it strong enough without it?

X-Grid is strong enough without gravel. The gravel can be used to compact and enforce even more and for decorative use.

Do I need pegs to secure X-Grid?

Only areas which have a gradient over 12% will require pegs.

Does this product come with pins or membrane?

No, this particular product does not come with either pins or membrane.

Which membrane should I use?

We recommend using a woven membrane with X-Grid

How do I know which side of the panel to put down?

The bottom of the grid has ‘X-grid’ written on it, indicating the face you put on the ground.

Can X-Grid be stacked on top of each other?

No, X-Grid was not designed for to be stacked when installed.

Can I cut X-Grid panels?

Yes they can be cut and we recommend doing so with a fine tooth saw.

Can I be guaranteed the same colour all throughout my product?

Our products are new generation manufactured entirely from post-consumer recycled plastic; this means you may occasionally find very slightly different shades of colour.

Where can I find installation instructions?

Install guides can be found on the ‘downloads’ tab. In addition, more information on installations can be found through our blogs and YouTube videos.

Does X-Grid allow grass to grow in its cells?

Yes, grass can grow in the panels cells when filled with soil and seed.

How much is delivery?

The cost for delivery can be seen when you add your product to basket and at checkout.

How quick is shipping?

An expected delivery time will be displayed on the product page and clearly at checkout.

About X-Grid

Manufactured in the UK from 100% recycled plastic, X-Grid is our most popular product with over 7 million units sold worldwide to date. Its most common use is to create DIY gravel driveways, access routes and car parks but can be used for so much more. The versatility is what makes it such a sought after ground reinforcement grid. Thanks to its unique formulation of recycled plastic and intelligent design, each X-Grid panel we supply is UV resistant & weatherproof so will not break down or rot away over time. Every X-Grid panel is also fully permeable & SuDs compliant which means any rain that falls on to the grid is able to naturally drain away resulting in a reduced amount of surface water and chances of localised flooding. The curved cell structure is one of the main reasons for our gravel grids fantastic load-bearing capacity of 420 tonnes.

Whilst being strong and effective, our gravel driveway grids are also very simple to install thanks to its lightweight frame and slot and peg connection system, one person is able to install around 100m² every hour which is an amazing amount. Not only is X-Grid an efficient solution for so many situations, but it is also actually one of the best, environmentally friendly and most affordable ground reinforcement grids on the market. For further technical information or to see how to install our gravel grid, read our Installation Guide, or you can look at the ‘Installation’ tab above which will guide you through the process of installing your own gravel retention grid.

What Can X-Grid Be Used For?

The black X-Grid is our most used product, it can be used to fill with gravel, grass and more. It is incredibly versatile thanks to its many benefits such as its durability, strength, environmentally friendliness, easy installation, weather and rot resistance. Below are some examples of how our X-Grid has been used and continues to be used:

Gravel Driveway Grid

Gravel driveways are one of the most common uses for X-Grid driveway grid system, helping you create a strong and permeable driveway. Due to its open structure, it can be filled with angular gravel to create the perfect gravel parking surface which will not migrate, rut or pothole. If installed correctly on a good sub-base, our DIY driveway grids are a long term parking solution that can easily support the weight and movement of HGVs, coaches, lorries, vans, cars and motorbikes. Following the attention on flooding in recent years, our plastic driveway grid is also SuDs compliant which means any rain that does fall will drain away naturally and greatly reduce the chances of flash flooding on your gravel drive.

Gravel Car Park

Car parks are needed everywhere and with a lot of focus on reducing urban flooding following serious floods in the past few years, why not replace your concrete or tarmac car park with gravel filled X-Grid car park. Being fully permeable thanks to its 95% open-cell design, there will be a huge reduction in surface water build-up as rain is able to drain away naturally into the ground below. As well as its permeability, our gravel mats strength also makes it a great choice for paving your car park. Able to withstand up to 420 tonnes per square metre unfilled and capable of withstanding up to 30-tonne axle loads. X-Grid is compliant with DIN 1072 and is suitable for car parking under EN ISO 124B/125.

Grid for Equestrian Surfacing

In certain equestrian areas such as paddocks, grazing areas or around a stable you may require a hard-standing grassed area that will not be affected by the weather and foot/hoof traffic it experiences. After a lot of use or during bad weather, you will find that grass and soil areas begin showing signs of wear with rutting, mud patches and potholing that can make the area unsafe to use.

Our gravel matting helps to reinforce the ground whilst improving drainage too. During wetter months you may find lots of large muddy areas that need to be avoided, with your ground grid installed and filled with either sand, gravel or soil & seed mix, you will have a strong yet forgiving under hoof surface that can be used in almost any equestrian setting. Thanks to X-Grids open cell structure, you have a grass or gravel retainer with better drainage meaning your riding season can be prolonged into wetter weather which would usually prevent riding and there is less chance of the ground drying out during hotter months which is less fatiguing for both horse and rider and does not impact the horses’ joints as heavily.

Grid For Access Routes

Access routes are very important in a number of applications where you will find large groups of people driving their cars or walking ‘off-road’ such as on caravan and camping sites, at sporting venues and schools. While providing a solid and reliable track for visitors to use, it is also a legal requirement for ambulances, police and fire engines to have an efficient access route so they can respond to time-critical events.

The term access route is used to describe regularly used roads/tracks leading to public and private grounds commonly found at schools or village halls that mainly use grass areas for parking and traffic-reducing tracks which can lead to the grass and soil becoming muddy, rutted and sometimes even impassible. As well as eroding the area, once the soil is compacted by tyres it becomes even harder for the grass to grow back.

This is where X-Grid can be used. When installed, it reinforces the ground and means that any traffic that passes over the grassed area does not rely on the strength of the grass and soil. This is because the wheels only ever come into contact with our incredibly strong grid which also eliminates muddiness as the soil cannot be reached. Our gravel stabiliser also allows natural drainage too as there is less surface water build-up and helps discourage local flooding.

Golf Courses Grid Paving

Our gravel mat is used at a number of golf courses around the UK for a range of applications. Whether it be a footpath, trolley track or cart path, X-Grid provides a strong, improved drainage, erosion free solution. As the grid can be filled with a number of materials such as gravel or soil and seed you can create a decorative or even natural-looking area around the course.

Using X-Grid almost entirely reduces the amount of direct foot and wheel traffic on the grass and soil below allowing the area to be used all year round regardless of the weather thanks to its permeability which means any rain or water is able to drain naturally away without the area becoming muddy and unusable. Using our ground guard X-Grid dramatically reduces the time and money spent on regular maintenance such as re-seeding, hollow tining and more which would otherwise need a lot of attention to keep the course open.

Permeable Paving Solution

As mentioned already, there has been a lot of attention on urbanised flooding in the UK over the past few years following a number of towns and cities being badly affected by floods. This is why SuDs (Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems) compliance was brought in during the Flood and Water Management Act 2010. The best way to reduce the damage of flooding is prevention which is why our gravel stabilisation mat is a great permeable paving and surfacing solution. X-Grid has a 95% open cell structure which allows surface water to permeate through and be absorbed by the ground below, reducing the amount of water sent into our drainage systems that have proved time and again they can struggle to cope with large amounts of rain we experience.

This is why so many people are deciding to swap their hard-scaped driveways, pathways, access routes and more for permeable gravel or grass filled X-Grid which is just as strong as their existing surface but helps reduce water-logging, surface water and localised flooding.

If you require more information on our X-Grid or would like some advice on which of our products would suit your needs, please do not hesitate to get in touch today. Leave us a message or live chat to a member of our staff now.

Weight 5.13 kg
Dimensions 990 × 990 × 40 mm

Suitable for

Primary Material

Pack Size

Spec Sheet

Installation Guide

Product Guide

Technical Guide

Test Report

Case Studies

No videos added yet. If you have a question, feel free to contact us
X-Grid Parking Space For Motorhomes and Caravans
Motorhome Parked on X-Grid Featured Image
See how X-Grid can be used to create a strong, permeable and migration free grass or gravel motorhome or caravan parking spaceread more ❯
Rain Garden Created Using X-Grid Featured On Gardeners' World
X-Grid was used as a major part of Dale and Tanya's rain garden. See how Gardeners World featured their rain garden and eco-friendly home on their show.read more ❯
18m² Green X-Grid®Grass Driveway Installation
This case study shows how Tim & Janet created a strong, long lasting and attractive grass driveway using green x-gridread more ❯
X-Grid Used To Create A Motorhome Gravel Parking Space
See how Paul created a strong gravel parking space for his new motorhome by using our X-Gridread more ❯
Front Garden Transformed Into 30m² X-Grid® Gravel Driveway
Steep Front Garden Transformed Into A 30m² X-Grid® Gravel Driveway - Featured Image
This case study comes courtesy of Gary who was looking to create some off-road parking at his home in place of his currently steep and unused front garden which... read more ❯
13m² Black X-Grid Used To Create Multi-Coloured Gravel Path
13m² X-Grid Multicoloured Gravel X-Grid Garden Path - Featured Image
A unique case study from Alison who used black X-Grid to create a decorative gravel path in her garden using gravel and recycled coloured glassread more ❯
50m² Black X-Grid® Gravel Patio Installation
50m² X-Grid Gravel Patio - Featured Image
A case study showing how a past customer used X-Grid to create an L-shaped gravel patio in his gardenread more ❯
X-Grid® 20m² Gravel Driveway Installation
20m² X-Grid Gravel Driveway Installation - Featured Image
Follow the process of Babatunde using X-Grid to create a gravel driveway extension of his current drivewayread more ❯
Coldharbour Mill - X-Grid® Creating Sensory Garden
Cold Harbour Mill - Sensory Garden Created Using X-Grid® - Featured Image
See how Coldharbour Mill created an accessible all year round Sensory Garden for their visitors to enjoyread more ❯
Permeable Paving On BBC R4 Gardeners' Question Time
Gardeners' Question Time - Permeable Paving - Featured Image
A great snippet of Gardeners' Question Time on BBC Radio 4 where permeable paving and gravel grids were discussedread more ❯
Product Reviews
Verified ownerVerified owner
7 months ago
Paul Hancock
Paul Hancock
Verified ownerVerified owner

Used this before for summerhouse and now for gravel patio area. As ever ensure foundations sound, flat and prepared - also check orientations when laying. Easy to unclip and reclip.

8 months ago
Michael Lovegrove
Michael Lovegrove
Verified ownerVerified owner


8 months ago
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