About Our Green Plastic Anti-Pull Anchor Pegs
Grass reinforcement mesh and grass protection mesh are used to protect the grass they are installed upon whilst holding the weight of pedestrians, wheelchairs, animals, light machinery and even vehicles. Each peg is impact and UV resistant which gives it prolongs its serviceable life. Without the correct anchors used to hold the TurfMesh and GrassMesh in place, they would not be able to perform to their optimum capacity. They could come loose or move around when used which could render them almost useless. Our anchor pegs are specially designed for use with mesh and to be the secure anchor that is needed to allow the mesh to work to its full potential. The ribbed design of the peg prevents the mesh from being simply pulled from the ground, instead it must be worked loose or twisted free. The white delineators are then simply inserted into the top of the anti-pull anchor to mark out roads, pathways, parking bays and more.
Why Should I Use These Plastic Anti-Pull Anchor Pegs?
Available in packs of 25, 50 and 100, these are more effective and safer anchor pegs when compared to metal pins which can also be used with delineators to create road markings, parking spaces and more. Below is more information on just a few benefits of the pegs:
This alternative mesh anchor is great at its job. Providing our mesh with a secure fixing that will not be affected by regular traffic and lead to mesh being pulled up or moved away. Whilst being effective and also safer for use around live electrical cables, animals and machines it is more than worth using these anti-pull pegs for securing your mesh in place.
Our green plastic anti-pull anchor pegs are not only effective at holding your grass reinforcement mesh in place but are also safer. When installing near power cables, machinery and sometimes even animals metal anchors could prove to be dangerous which is why we offer a fantastic alternative in our plastic anti-pull anchors.
If you require more information on our range of anchors, delineators and pins that can be used with our mesh or would like some advice on whether or not our this anti-pull anchor would be suitable your project, please do not hesitate to get in touch today. Leave us a message or live chat to a member of our staff now.