5128-JS-H Professional Pruning Saw with Scabbard 445mm (18in)

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Product Code BAH5128JSH

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Pruning Saws

A unique holster and leg strap.

Blade length: 280mm

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Original price was: £91.61.Current price is: £60.71.

Product Code BAH5128JSH
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Bahco 51-JS-H Professional Pruning Saw for fast, comfortable pruning work. Extremely sharp and aggressive toothing for cutting live green wood. A rounded narrow nose which makes it easy to reach the places you need to without damaging the bark.

The unique concave blade surface which provides low friction so you don’t need to use as much force as with other saws. Also has a researched blade position which allows for better and more power in your forearm, creating less fatigue.

Has a comfortable, non-fatigue, two-component handle, with a knuckle protector which holds the hand securely in place.

The 5128-JS-H is supplied with a scabbard.

Weight 0.416 kg
Dimensions 604 × 129 × 33 mm
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